Repetitions, 2018




“Repetitions” is a work that revisits the first theatre play made against the military coup in 1965, in SP. Through the memory of one of its former actors, Izaias Almada, the video revisits the text and the socio-political context of the play. The original play, “Arena Conta Zumbi” – a musical that narrated the struggle of a runaway enslaved against the colonial empire, Zumbi, which, in the XVII century, founded a hinterland communal settlement -, was used as a metaphor for the struggle for freedom against the military dictatorship. Through revisiting the play, the work establishes parallels with the contemporary condition in the country. At the same time, the video reflects on the contemporary distances and transformations from the period of the play’s enactment, while, parallelly, creating space for evoking some of the propositions made by the group through resonance. It reflects on the idea of ‘repetition’ on various levels: as rehearsal, as repetition of historical patterns, and also as the possibility of resurrection.