
Clara Ianni is an artist living and working in São Paulo. Her practice deals with the relation between history and politics. In her installations, videos, sculptures and drawings she suggests critical approaches to dominant historical narratives, power structures and institutional frameworks (including those in the art field), seeking to inspire new forms of life. Her work often develops strategies based on research, detours and imagination.

Ianni has a BA in Visual Arts from the Universidade de São Paulo and a PhD from the same University. Her exhibitions include New Museum Triennial (2021), 34th São Paulo Bienal (2020), “Utopia/Dystopia – part I”, MAAT Lisbon, Portugal (2017), Talking to Action / Hablar y Actuar, Los Angeles, EUA (2017), Jakarta Bienal (2015), 31st São Paulo Bienal (2014), Yebisu Festival, Tokyo (2015), MDE15, Medellin, Bogotá (2015), 19th Panorama VideoBrasil, 33o Panorama de Arte Brasileira, Museu de Arte Moderna de São Paulo (2013), 12th Istanbul Biennal, Istanbul (2011). Her residences include Jan Van Eyck Academy (2023), Delfina Foundation, London (2018), AIR Laboratory, Warsaw (2017), HIWAR – Conversations in Amman, Jordan (2013), Museu da Pampulha, and Belo Horizonte (2011). She was one of the curators of the program “The future of memory – memory and forgetfullness in Latin America”, with Goethe Institute. 


Clara Ianni é artista e vive São Paulo. A sua prática lida com a relação entre história e política. Por meio de instalações, vídeo, escultura e desenhos sugere abordagens críticas às narrativas históricas dominantes, às estruturas de poder e às estruturas institucionais (incluindo as do campo da arte), procurando inspirar novas formas de vida.

Cursou Artes Visuais na Universidade de São Paulo. Participou de exposições como “Histórias Feministas”, MASP (2019), Utopia/Distopia, MAAT Lisboa(2017), Jakarta Bienal (2015), 31a Bienal de São Paulo(2014), Yebisu Festival, Tokio (2015), 19th Panorama VideoBrasil, 33º Panorama de Arte Brasileira, MAM São Paulo (2013), 12th Istanbul Biennal, Istanbul (2011). Entre as residências que realizou estão Jan Van Eyck Academy (2023), AIR Residency, Centre for Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle, Varsóvia, Polônia,  HIWAR I Conversations in Amman, Jordan (2013), Bolsa Pampulha, Museu da Pampulha, Belo Horizonte (2011). Foi curadora do programa “Futuro da Memória – Poéticas de Memória e Esquecimento na América Latina”, junto com o Goethe Institute, de 2016 a 2018.