Plea, 2014




 ‘Apelo’ is a project produced in collaboration with Debora Maria da Silva, founding member of Movimento Mães de Maio – a social movement that gathers mothers who lost their sons and daughters due police violence in Brazil’s democratic period. The video was filmed in Cemitério de Perus, where a mass grave from the dictatorship (1964-85) and a monument was constructed. A text was written collectively and the enactment of its reading was done in the cemetery. Through a collaborative construction, the video proposes a space of mourning and grieve. Beyond the video, a series of workshops where conducted together with the 31st São Paulo Bienal educational team.

Film by Clara Ianni and Debora Maria da Silva

Produced by Massa Real Pedro Arantes e Angelo Ravazi

Dir. Photography Gabriel Barrella

Editing Nina Senra e Onze Corujas

Sound Confraria de Sons

Thanks to Movimento Mães de Maio e Coletivo Margens Clínicas