Eyes and Ears South, 2022



Mural made with the inverted graphic art from the article “Eyes and Ears South”, published in the pedagogic booklet “See and Hear”, in 1945, by the Office for Inter-American Affairs. The article speaks about the pedagogic films made by the OOIAA, introducing Latin American countries to US audiences, during the Cold War. This leaflet accompanied the audiovisual pedagogic material made by the Office. It instructed the teachers on how to use the audiovisual material and how to start discussions in the classroom using them as mediation.  In the exhibition space, the graphic art from the magazine was turned into a mural – inverted. The inverted direction of the arrow and the upside-down sentence Eyes and Ears South play with the positionality of the one who sees, the one who hears, and the ones who are seen, and heard. It proposes a detour that also questions notions of centrality and margin, north and south. A copy of the article was displayed in the exhibition space too.